
Won't you grab a warm chai tea and stay a while?

La La Love {Stanthorpe, Qld Destination Portrait Photographer}

I love you, not for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you ~ Roy Croft

As I sat upon the cold concrete veranda, I wondered... How did they ever come to know... after all of this time.
I wondered... if destiny had finally dealt them a perfect hand.
I hoped.
As I watched them together... ever so perfect... My heart fluttered.
To begin there... Already so in love... No time to learn to trust... No doubts... No rose coloured glasses...
Just love.  Real... Honest... Love.

She searches his eyes... she can barely believe it is real...
He holds her so tight...
Afraid to let go...
Afraid it is all too good to be true...
Afraid that fate might take her from him...
After eleven long years of unrequited love.
That they are finally here... in this perfect place...
She rests her head upon his chest and they close their eyes...
Perhaps that moment will last forever.
When I watch them together... I feel hope... Burning in me...
Certainty... that they shall walk hand in hand for a lifetime...
That all can be right with the world...
That love can be found...
That life can be fair. Perfect. 

And so... a new life will begin... Together.
In his arms she has found comfort...
In his heart she has found a home...
In his soul she has found forever...

Ciao for now... Hayley x


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Kelly said...

Beautiful pictures!

Photos Mariage Originales said...

Lovely and superb pictures.

.E. said...

these are amazing

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